Faith In The Factory

The first day of The School Of The Circuit Rider has just come to an end, and in all the excitement I have managed to leave my appointed duty of blogging about all of this until the very end of the day. But let’s talk about the excitement—because that is the...

Graphic Design Seminars

Week long seminars on Graphic Design at YWAM Harpenden. England We would like to invite you to YWAM Harpenden for week long seminars on some foundational design topics which are taught on the School of Design. Each week we will give you fundamental instruction on a...

Exploring new Web Design Systems

Web development was this weeks topic with Uli Braun. Uli introduced to the students a content management system (CMS) called Contao. Up until now the trainees have worked with wordpress for all thier projects as it is the CMS which is taught from the start of the...

Sprites and Vids

Monday kicked off with our trainees learning about editing in Final Cut. With the help of our speaker, Noel, they were able to edit their footage. Once they’ve were done with their videos they put them up on Youtube. On Wednesday morning we took some time in...

Web Evangelism

Web Evangelism Week 8 was busy week for our trainees! The week kicked with some teaching from Tony on web evangelism how the web plays it’s part in getting the gospel across the world. Then from Wednesday we had Noel covering the topic of video. He spent 2 days...

Earth, Wind, Fire and Water

Earth, Wind, Fire and Water Week 7 was project week where the trainees were given 4 different topics – Fire, Water, Wind and Earth – from which they had to choose one and create a website by referring to the work they’ve already done in previous...