God is catalysing this generation to fearlessly go to the ends of the earth as bearers of hope.


God is catalysing this generation to fearlessly go to the ends of the earth as bearers of hope.

Your Discipleship Training School (DTS) is a 5-6 month missions experience where you get to know God and make Him known in the nations. 


God’s presence changes everything. As we lean into Him we see His power released. God has made prayer and missions inseparable—join us as we press into Him and see the nations of the world transformed.

Worship and prayer is the engine room to all we do. Through intimacy with Jesus we see Him move radically in our lives and throughout the nations. Expect to be stretched in extended rhythms of corporate worship and prayer within our campus prayer room. From that place burn with a fire inside to do the works of the Kingdom whenever and wherever He calls.


Harpenden, England

Go deeper in your relationship with God, explore your calling, and get training from leaders with years of experience in missions.

Each week focuses on topics such as:

  • Hearing God’s voice
  • Nature & Character of God
  • How to preach the Gospel
  • Reading the Bible and Biblical worldview
  • Power of the Holy Spirit
  • International Missions


The Nations

Travel to the nations with your team to share the love of God, and meet needs in practical ways.

What your outreach can look like:

  • Sharing the gospel on the streets
  • Partnering with local churches and ministries
  • Preaching, teaching, leading worship
  • Children’s ministry
  • Supporting communities with practical skills
  • Giving out Bibles

Our DTS teams often go to the same focus nations or similar regions. This is so you build on partnerships with people and ministries who are on the ground. Your outreach location is announced during the first few weeks of DTS, but in the past we have sent teams to the Himalayas and the Middle East. 


Harpenden, England

Come back together to process your DTS experience, prepare for your next season, and celebrate all God did in your life and in the nations.



Your track time is two hours weekly in Training Phase where you grow in skills in an area of your passions or calling. These times are a combination of workshops and opportunities to put your learning to practice.

Choose a track and develop your skills and passions:


In our Frontier Missions Track we will look at what it means to GO to the nations! We will spend time learning from and engaging with those who are reaching some of the least reached here in our community and abroad.

This is to prepare you for the people groups, cultures, and beliefs you will encounter on outreach and wherever God calls you to after DTS. You will come away with more of God’s heart for the nations and see the bigger picture of where you fit into the Great Commission.


Jesus broke bread with different people as a ministry. It was powerful in reaching people with the gospel. The Culinary Track is an experience in using food to see the kingdom of God advanced. Equipping you with cooking and hospitality skills for a lifetime. Teachers and cooks will share on various topics. Including, but not limited to: food cultures, global cuisine, hospitality, and evangelism.

Whether you are an experienced cook or want to learn and grow in a new skill join us. Come and explore how your passion and culinary skills advance the Kingdom of God!


Ignite your passion for coffee and people in the Barista Track. We are dedicated to serving others, pursuing excellence in our craft, and fostering a vibrant community across nations through the art of coffee.

Over the course, our group sessions will encompass a wide range of topics, including Biblical hospitality, customer care, coffee origins, processing techniques, brewing methods, and taste profiles. And you’ll have the opportunity to get hands-on experience behind the bar working side-by-side with our team, serving in our very own Oval Cafe on campus.

Ultimately our goal is for you to learn new skills, refine existing ones, and embrace God’s heart for others through acts of hospitality, service, and skillfully crafted beverages as you explore using coffee to see the Kingdom of God advanced. The Barista Track is your gateway to connecting coffee and ministry.


The attention of our generation is at your fingertips, and we want to teach you how to reach them for Jesus.

The purpose of the Media Track is to learn how to create content to impact nations. How are you going to learn that? You’ll learn fundamental skills of making a plan that works, and using easy tools to execute that plan so that you can reach a global audience.

In the Media Track, you’ll grow in your ability to make great content, but more importantly, in understanding how to use global social platforms effectively. Come be trained to understand how to utilize them to impact as many people as possible for Jesus.


Join us for an exciting opportunity to learn the basics of early years education.

YWAM Harpenden is partnering with Highfield Preschool—a UK government-rated outstanding preschool. This track will cover the basics of early years education during weekly slots running alongside your DTS. Offering hands-on experience with teachers and children at this excellent preschool.

Sign up and enjoy the chance to learn cross-cultural skills, work with children and learn skills that are widely applicable in missions and life wherever you might be called to go.


Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

The Children & Youth Ministry Track will help you understand God’s heart for young people and find your part in it.  Giving you hands-on experience and covering things like starting a ministry, working with different cultures, environments, and hearing directly from people who are out there on the mission field or sphere.

We will offer diverse activities to be involved with youth such as kids’ Bible groups, outreach opportunities, youth events, etc. During the track, you’ll be encouraged and championed to pursue your God-given passion for working with young people and walk in it.


Brave Love women is a movement and network of women who have decided to be a force awakening to other women and bring solution to the real need all around them.

In this track you will gain confidence as an evangelist and communicator, learn how to gather and activate women into their purpose, identify the need and meet it, and learn how to help women break off inhibitors holding them back in their life and so much more!

In the Sports and Fitness track, we believe sports are an avenue for building relationships and sharing the Good News.
In this track, we will explore a variety of sports and athletics while learning how to compete well and glorify the Lord with our physical bodies.  We will practice leading sessions that can be used on outreach, or wherever you go in life, where people can have fun competing, develop their skills, and learn more about experiencing Jesus through sports and fitness.  
Whatever language you speak and whatever your background, sports bring us together.  Join us as we learn to use sports and fitness to reach people for Jesus.




United Kingdom

Nick has worked in YWAM for 11 years. For most of that time he worked with the Fire and Fragrance and Circuit Rider ministries in the USA. Nick is passionate about worship, prayer and reaching the lost.




Cassie has been with YWAM since 2014 in America and England. In 2022 she felt a call from God to see young people mobilised from the UK into the nations. She has a passion to see young people fall in love with Jesus and make His love known to others.


Arrival Date: Wednesday, 17 September, 2025
Departure Date: Saturday, 7 March, 2026

Lecture Cost: £2950 + £195 activity fee
*Outreach Cost: £2500 – £3000 (On location costs such as food & accommodation).


NB The cost of flights and visas will be in addition dependent on location


If you have any questions regarding this school, please email: