English / Spanish

Fuse your heart with God’s


English / Spanish

Fuse your heart with God’s

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Your Discipleship Training School (DTS) is a 5-6 month missions experience where you get to know God and make Him known in the nations. 

Be transformed as you fuse your heart with God’s, join with young people from many nations and use your gifts to glorify Jesus. The heart of our DTS is facilitating intimacy with God, embracing all the nations represented and for us all to become bridges connecting different languages and cultures. One way is by having our morning classes in English & Spanish.  


Harpenden, England

Go deeper in your relationship with God, explore your calling, and get training from leaders with years of experience in missions.

Each week focuses on topics such as:

  • Hearing God’s voice
  • Nature & Character of God
  • How to preach the Gospel
  • Reading the Bible and Biblical worldview
  • Power of the Holy Spirit
  • International Missions


The Nations

Travel to the nations with your team to share the love of God, and meet needs in practical ways.

What your outreach can look like:

  • Sharing the gospel on the streets
  • Partnering with local churches and ministries
  • Preaching, teaching, leading worship
  • Children’s ministry
  • Supporting communities with practical skills
  • Giving out Bibles

Our DTS teams often go to the same focus nations or similar regions. This is so you build on partnerships with people and ministries who are on the ground. Your outreach location is announced during the first few weeks of DTS, but in the past we have sent teams to the Latin America and the Middle East. 


Your track time is two hours weekly in Training Phase where you grow in skills in an area of your passions or calling. These times are a combination of workshops and opportunities to put your learning to practice.

Choose a track and develop your skills and passions:


In this track,you explore your own creativity. We’re created to create and here you have time to feed that part of you. The track includes coaching and mentoring in your creative project until you take risks and have an impact on the Lord that you never thought you could. (Exodus 31:1-5).

You’ll be encouraged and mentored to approach your creativity as an act of worship. Content of technique training depends on which artistic discipline you want to explore.


You learn how to be effective in reaching across cultures. You will be exposed to different faiths and religions and how to practically love like Jesus to those considered “foreign” or “outcast”. (Phil 2:2–9)


We believe sport can be an avenue for building relationships, discipleship, and sharing the gospel. In this track, we will spend time playing the game and learning to glorify God specifically on the soccer field and team environments.  

We will explore areas such as how sports can train us in self-discipline, perseverance, fostering positive team environments,  competing well, and honouring God with our physical bodies.  We will hone our individual football abilities, and learn how to facilitate matches and coach training sessions.  

Whatever language you speak, football brings people together, and we will learn to use the sport to reach people for Jesus.  


The attention of our generation is at your fingertips, and we want to teach you how to reach them for Jesus.

The purpose of the Media Track is to learn how to create content to impact nations. How are you going to learn that? You’ll learn fundamental skills of making a plan that works, and using easy tools to execute that plan so that you can reach a global audience.

In the Media Track, you’ll grow in your ability to make great content, but more importantly, in understanding how to use global social platforms effectively. Come be trained to understand how to utilize them to impact as many people as possible for Jesus.


Prepare to be transformed and receive a life-changing boost from God to equip you for the rest of your life.




Coast of Ecuador

Maytte grew up in the cost of Ecuador 😎, loves the ocean 🌊 and seeing people transformed by encountering Jesus. She joined YWAM in 2016, since then serving with the younger generations. Has a heart for Latin America and the Middle East. Falafel sandwiches is her second favourite food. 🧆



Switzerland & USA

Martina is Swiss and American and has been with YWAM since 2019. She loves working with DTS and seeing the transformation that can happen in people’s lives when they set aside time to intentionally pursue the Lord. She is passionate about learning, discipleship, prayer for the nations. She loves playing Rumikub and practicing Spanish, and memorising flags.


Arrival Date: Wednesday, 8 January, 2025
Departure Date: Saturday, 28 June, 2025

Training Phase Cost: £2950 + £70.00 activity fee
*Outreach Phase Cost: £2500-£3,000 (NB The cost of flights and visas will be in addition dependent on location)




If you have any questions regarding this school, please email: admissions@ywamharpenden.org