Meet Amanda K.! Amanda has a heart for hospitality, children and discipleship.

Meet Amanda K!

Meet Amanda K!

  • When & why did you decide to join YWAM?

After I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, I felt like God was calling me into missions. I did my DTS January 2013 at YWAM Harpenden. I came back because I felt like God was telling me to continue on the missions path and He opened doors for me to work with children and hospitality at the same time here on the base.

  • What is your role on the base?

I’m working as kitchen staff primarily and will be taking part in I.D. which is a two year staff development program here on the base.

  • What ministry/project are you currently working on?

When not working in the kitchen or helping out in other departments, I will be working with ‘Jump!’, a program that goes into schools and teaches on Christianity to the primary aged children. We have to plan out the lessons and think of creative ways of explain our faith. During Christmas and Easter time, we will organize a themed party for the children at a local church.

  • What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about children (especially younger) and hospitality. I love to work behind the scenes and serving others. My heart is that people will be served as Christ has served. With children, I hope to see them understand Jesus and to have a strong foundation in him.

  • Are there areas that you are looking to work on in the future (vision)?

Something I hope to do while I’m here is to take part in working with DTS and discipling young adults and helping them to deepen their relationship with God.

  • What do you like to do in your free time?

I love to watch ‘Doctor Who’, go to the movies, read, one-on-one conversations, and hang out with friends.

  • What do you love about living on the Oval?

I love the community here. I love being able to work and live with a group of people that really care about how you are doing in your personal life, and that we are always here for each other when we need it.