And just like that outreach phase is halfway done! We are back at Harpenden for a short few days before we set out to our out of the UK outreach destinations. It’s been great to see the other half of our DTS and to sleep in an actual bed with an actual pillow. Funny how the simple things we take for granted are so hugely appreciated after a few weeks going without.

The last week at Bristol flew by at an almost alarming speed. Sunday we had the privilege to participate in the Harvest Service at Victoria Baptist park. We preformed a skit and a song and Lauren led the church in a prayer. Later that evening our team celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving with tons of home-cooked food.

Monday we went to Parsons Primary School where we lead a 15-minute assembly. It was intimidating at first because we were told we had to be very careful what we said about Christianity and Jesus, but the Deputy Headmistress was very enthusiastic about all we did.

That afternoon we took part in the toddlers group and the Boys Brigade again which was even more fun then last week. It’s a lot of fun to plan games and skits and then have a group of young kids so eager to take part.

The rest of the week we mainly worked with youth. We ran a Toddlers Teddy-Bear picnic and enjoyed time playing games with the youth group at Victoria Park Church. We also walked and prayed a lot for Bristol and the people living there.

Bristol was an absolutely beautiful place to live for the last two weeks. It is a city full of life and creativity. We were sad to say goodbye but excited for what is next in our adventure. Life is good!