What an amazing and awesome week of being able to help out at Cornwall!

We were volunteers at Creation Fest!

We were volunteers at Creation Fest!

This week we learned about having a servant heart and sharing what we love most. As a DTS, we volunteered throughout Creation Fest; from the kitchen to the skate park, kids tent and stewarding the Concerts. We all got to know some incredible people, and grew closer together as a team.

The purpose of this week was to understand what we love most. Did you ever start talking to someone who was very passionate about something? They just can’t stop telling you all about it! It comes out of who they are. In this same way we are to share our love for God  without fear of man or of being judged. As we grow closer to God and focus on Him, His heart and love for those around us will begin to overflow through us.  Sometimes we feel like we have to follow method, when in reality people are not projects, they are children of God.

Outside of our lectures, our DTS committed to serving the people of Creation Fest for six hours each day. During this time, we each met so many different people and created so many fabulous memories. On one occasion, a student had a heart to heart with the drummer of one of the bands performing at the festival. Both of them shared their struggles with their faith and encouraged each other to push through the uncertainties of life and trust that God always has them in the palm of His hand, guiding and protecting them. Other students stepped out in faith and brought encouraging words to all kinds of people, from the members of the prayer team to the chef and a teenager struggling with identity.

10588514_10203522654045731_620127383_nThe perfect ending to such a week involved two members of our team being baptized in the freezing English Sea. Despite this extremely cold water, the time was filled with new life and the revelation that Jesus has washed us clean of our pasts and guides our steps into the future. After a delectable Cornish Pasty in Cornwall, we were finally back on the road home. This week was jam packed with incredible times of ministry and growth. Lifelong friendships were developed and memories were made all around. God touched the hearts of many and Cornwall will always be remembered as a time of blessing and encouragement for all.